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Prabandhan 2010 -Pragyaan Lecture Series, Day 2

Topic : Energy Conservation

Background of Speaker : Mr. Srinu Babu Matta, Divisional Manager (Engg. Services), Tata Motors.

The topic of Energy conservation is very crucial to the current and future aspirations of our nation. The speaker, who holds a key position in Tata Motors and has experience in multiple roles, introduced the audience to the various facets of energy conservation through a comprehensive presentation.

The speaker highlighted the current dire circumstances faced by the Indian consumers. Roughly 12% shortage of energy is always seen in the nation leading to frequent power cuts as well as constraining the ability to electrify the villages present in the interior parts of the country. As of date, there are more than 1 Lakh villages which are un-electrified. Quoting several official sources, the speaker elaborated that the chasm is only expected to widen due to growing population, expanding industry, large scale consumption. The need of the hour is to pursue energy conservation and energy efficiency. Alongside, the speaker pointed out that non-renewable sources of energy are very limited in nature and may last only for 40-45 years at the current rate of growth worldwide. Hence, renewable energy sources are highly essential towards bridging the gap and helping in overall energy conservation.

The Renewable energy sources in India are led by Wind power at 69% and then followed by other renewable forms of energy. India stands at 5th position in the use of renewable sources. However, these statistics point to the highly limited penetration of these sources of energy worldwide. The speaker elaborated on numerous government interventions necessary to encourage this nascent form of energy generation.

Solar based power has huge potential in a country like India which is located so close to the equator and has a lot of direct sunlight availability. The speaker showed his depth of knowledge through explanations provided on the basic concepts of energy generation through wind and solar sources. Tata companies also follow green initiatives where each of their offices have construction which favours direct sunlight lighting, air condition efficiency, support for solar power etc. Alternative sources such as hydro power or tidal power, biomass power were also covered by the speaker as he showed his depth of understanding on the subject of alternate sources of renewable energy.

The speaker then elaborated on the essential considerations for energy conservation. Small efforts taken for energy conservation at the domestic and at the industrial level can prove to be highly effective in reducing consumption and hence reducing the needs for power cuts and load shedding. The speaker urged all to follow the simple guidelines of daily life to improve energy efficiency through a very engaging discussion spanning the technical aspects as well as the social considerations involved in day to day energy related decision making.

The speaker shed some light on the innovations done by Tata Motors Ltd in the energy conservation field by sharing some highlights of the journey towards excellence in energy conservation by Tata Motors in many small progressive steps. Using many instances, the speaker gave excellent insights into supply chain excellence which focussed on efficiency through energy conservation and implementation of scientific solutions to manufacturing and production processes. The tangible savings at minimal cost highlighted the benefits of conservative thinking and set the audience thinking on the application of such knowledge in their daily lives as well as in work place.

The lecture was wound up with the speaker driving home the point of implementing these learnings and synergising with other bodies of knowledge to create knowledge pool which can be reusable by all to enrich lives and improve the worsening energy scenario of the world.

Report Prepared By:
Nabarun Sengupta(

Published By:
PR & Media Cell, MBA-IIT Kanpur (


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