Student competitions provide a myriad of opportunities for you: a platform for you to demonstrate your talent, a stepping-stone to achieving greater things in life. They represent unconventional but effective ways of securing internships, scholarships, jobs and exposure to real-world issues. This encouraged us to participate in several B-school competitions from the onset of our course. Although we faced failures at the beginning but soon there was success when we had a podium finish in ‘Marketing Geeks’, a marketing case study competition organized by SJMSOM, IIT Bombay.
Leaving aside the fun part in sitting long hours with your friends to solve cases and also in travelling to participate in the finals, participating in competitions provides you a platform to show your talent and apply your skills. In turn, the rewards of student competitions, whether tangible or otherwise, can help you achieve your educational and professional goals. Rock stars are instantly recognizable because they are not afraid to show off their talents and embrace who they are. If you win a large competition, you can claim your own ‘rock star status’ in the talent recruitment community! Winning a couple of student competitions is a great way to stand out from the crowd and build your résumé, both the traditional way and via your social media profile.
Obviously, not everyone who enters the competition will win. However, even if you don’t receive any of the big prizes, you can still benefit from the opportunity to challenge yourself. You’ll learn new things and develop new skills – and even if you don’t win, you can still show what you gained from the experience. The most important thing to note is that your competition journey is a process, not an endpoint. Any one success (or apparent failure) is just another stepping stone to the next point along the way .So whatever the outcome, focus on what you’ve gained, and how to keep on developing.
Finally, student competitions allow you to test your ideas to see how viable they are, in a risk-free environment where you are able to collect and incorporate feedback from peers and professionals. If you are committed to realizing your dreams, any time spent on fine-tuning your ideas is a great investment.
What if you do not win the student competitions you enter? Remember, this is not time wasted; it is time spent learning and growing. Competitions should provide an enriching and stimulating experience that allows you to apply your knowledge to a specific, practical problem.
And if you don’t win this time, just enter again. The more you participate, the better you get!
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