Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi Director (Operations), India Energy Exchange On the operations and functioning of Power Exchanges in India @IITK
A guest lecture was delivered by Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi, Director (Operations), India Energy Exchange. Hespoke on the Operations and Functioning of Power Exchanges in India. Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi is an electrical engineer; he worked in the power sector for around 10 years. The guest lecture started with an overview of“India Energy Exchange” which is India’s first-ever Power Exchange. It serves as an optional, electronic,nationwide platform for trading in electricity.Mr. Awasthi covered various topics related to Power Exchange portfolio bids, Block Bid rejection &re-inclusion process, national load dispatch center and power exchange interaction, how companies buy and sell power on exchange, congestion management, market splitting, UI-unscheduled interchange, NS-REC Trade at IEX. Besides he discussed that entire country is divided into 12 zones for facilitating power exchange which are N1,N2,N3 in north zone W1,W2, W3 for south zone E1,E2 for east zone ,S1,S2 for south zone and NE1, NE2 for north east zone. He also told the need of power exchange and an Exchange is essential to a market-driven economy where prices are decided by the forces of demand and supply. These forces are contradictory: e.g. the seller wants high prices while the buyer wants low prices. These conflicting forces determine the correct price of a commodity at a given time in a market-driven economyTo sum up the guest lecture was a highly valuable session for all the listeners as the topic was resourceful and interesting with lots of technical contents related to power sector and how the demand in one corner of country get fulfilled with source lying at the other corner. Power exchange keep immense importance for a power starved country like India which needs to match up its power requirement with growing GDP.
Manoj Jhawar
Events and Seminars, PR & Media
MBA 2012-14, IIT Kanpur
Events and Seminars, PR & Media
MBA 2012-14, IIT Kanpur
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