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An Interaction with Ms. Ministhy Nair - DM, Barabanki

Inspirational is the word for Ms. Ministhy Nair & her interaction with the students at IME, IIT Kanpur. Ms. Nair is presently the District Magistrate of Barabanki District, UP. An engineering graduate who pursued her management education from XLRI Jamshedpur and finally made her way into the glorious Civil Services!
Ms. Nair’s main objective for this meet was to communicate and stress the significance of applying technical and management skills in public administration. Examples can be in administrative and policy making decisions, managing calamities like floods and famines, managing finances , optimizing utilization of resources, waste management etc.
Adhaar card, for one, is how technology would help in better administration. Civil services present a platform, a powerful one at that, for the youth to address these issues directly. There are several spheres where one can work upon, for example: Literacy programs, waste management in rural/urban areas, women empowerment and health missions etc. She further addressed us on how, many a time the middle men become a bane for the craftsmen, embroiderers & farmers especially in the rural areas. Lack of proper knowledge and exposure to the right markets, often leads them into selling their products to the middle men who end up making huge profits for no absolute contribution to the product quality. A properly oriented awareness program to introduce these people to right market and the price for the goods would increase their income substantially. Increase in income of these people would improve their health conditions, and also due to increased income more kids would be able to attend school and better living conditions would prevail. In light of all these issues, and limited resources available, it’s a great platform for techno-managers to apply their knowledge in solving the problems concerning the developing India.
These are just instances of how and where the youth can contribute. Civil service does succeed in giving an inherently strong position to contribute to the society but in the end, the passion to make a difference and your determination to bring the change about is all that matters. She then went on to describe a typical working day in life of a DM; how  it isn’t out of ordinary to get a call for duty at 2 in the night; the festive season is the time they stay the most vigil for security reasons and how contingencies often spoil an otherwise perfect holiday! It is vital and often challenging, to maintain the balance between various driving forces and hindrances.
A truly inspirational speaker, whose enthusiasm for her job left all of us motivated. She later addressed various questions asked by the students and the end of session was marked by a vote of thanks extended by Dr. Deepu Phillip on behalf of the department and the students. 

Akansha Yadav
Events and Seminars, PR & Media
MBA 2012-14, IIT Kanpur


  1. But here is a concern from my side..Did her visit meet the purpose?

  2. really knologable topic.iam really like it,can you please update about Best MBA College in India


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