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Showing posts from October, 2012

Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi Director (Operations), India Energy Exchange On the operations and functioning of Power Exchanges in India @IITK

A guest lecture was delivered by Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi, Director (Operations), India Energy Exchange. He  spoke on the Operations and Functioning of Power Exchanges in India. Mr. Akhilesh Awasthi is an electrical engineer; he worked in the power sector for around 10 years. The guest lecture started with an overview of  “India Energy Exchange” which is India’s first-ever Power Exchange. It serves as an optional, electronic,  nationwide platform for trading in electricity. Mr. Awasthi covered various topics related to Power Exchange portfolio bids, Block Bid rejection &  re-inclusion process, national load dispatch center and power exchange interaction, how companies buy and sell power on exchange, congestion management, market splitting, UI-unscheduled interchange, NS-REC Trade at IEX. Besides he discussed  that entire country is divided into 12 zones for facilitating power exchange which are N1,N2,N3 in north zone W1,W2, W3 for south zone E1,E2 for east zone...

HCL Leadership Summit: An Experience Worth Sharing

“When women are the advisor, the Lords of creation don’t take the advice till they have persuaded themselves that it is just what they intended to do; then they act upon it and if it succeeds, they give the weaker vessel half the credit of it; if fails, they generously give herself the whole”  - Louisa May Alcott This phrase defines how women have been suppressed since ages and how the cup of failure is always on their side of the table. With this, I would like to emphasize on how imperative it has become to identify, motivate and guide women professionals to succeed in today’s global economy. Women are a critical aspect of any organization. Today, companies follow diversify & inclusion principle for a gender diverse boardroom. Women now have to break many cultural barriers imposed by the society. Being a woman, it feels glorified to seewomen’stremendousmanagement and entrepreneurialspirit to become an integral part of the great Indian success saga. “Emerging Women Leader’s...

IME Party 2012

Life at IITK can't get better than this. After the high octane freshers night by seniors, now it was our turn to script another memorable night. We, the new entrants of IITK, had to organize a party for entire IITK IME department (MBA, M.Tech, PhD)- students, professors and their family. The celebration was much eagerly awaited and anticipated after the unique experince of fresher's party. After days of discussions and plannings, the D'day finally came. The theme for the party was traditional. The event started at 8 pm by the welcome ceremony of all the distinguished professors and their families.  The event, which was hosted by Praveen and Nidhi, had a lot of fun moments. Professors were invited to the stage one-by-one and they were given certain fun tasks, which they carried out with lots of enthusiasm. Their performance on the stage showed us a completely different side of our professors! Anoop sir's bhangra dance, Devlina madam's bengali song, Rachrella ...

Seminar on Securing Fuel Supplies for the Power Sector

Guest lectures and seminars by top corporate leaders and high ranking government officials are the integral part of pedagogy of IME, IIT Kanpur. The valuable insight that the invited guest share about their experiences, business issues, challenges faced and subsequent dealing with such challenges provide immense knowledge to the students of management. Continuing with the trend, we had the presence of Mr. I. A. Khan, Adviser (Energy), Planning Commission, Government of India at the IME premises. He put across the issues from the planning perspective on the crucial topic: Securing fuel supplies for the power sector. Mr. Khan started with pointing out that India as a developing nation requires growing sustain-ably at a rate of 8 %. Given the fact that the country is not abundantly rich in natural energy resources, an integrated energy policy becomes the need of the hour to fulfill our energy requirements. 77% of our Oil and gas requirement are already met through imp...