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Showing posts from August, 2017

Tips from Top – “Projection Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis”. Mr. Anoop Bhatia, V.P., I.C.R.A.

The Department of Industrial Management and Engineering organized a seminar by Mr. Anoop Bhatia, VP, ICRA Limited; who provided immense insights into how the corporate ratings assignment is performed and how sensitivity analysis helps assign these. The seminar began on a light note, with Mr. Anoop offering Lao Tzu’s take on forecasting and quoting Evan Esar’s witty remarks on economists. He explained how an analyst actually is involved in presenting a result oriented outlook along with the forecast of industry demand, involved in financial planning, establishes goals and analyses the market to provide well-informed guidance on the possibilities. The projections are normally done with 5-7 years of data, which helps create a holistic outlook including up-cycle and down-cycle data, including those of the competitors in the industry. For vitality of project specific projections, the data utilized can even stretch up to 20 years. However, he professed from experience that the m...

Tips from Top – “Emerging Applications and Opportunities in Geo-spatial Data Analytics”. Mr. Rajib Roy, C.E.O., Quantum Spatial Ltd.

The Department of Industrial and Management Engineering at IIT Kanpur played host to a seminar by Mr. Rajib Roy, CEO of Quantum Spatial Ltd., who put forth an overview of how analysis of geospatial data can bring about a paradigm shift in the world of information and how its subsequent analysis can result in benefits to various organizations. Mr. Roy was quite forthright in bringing out some merry factoids about his career and his perception of the various walks of the world that he had been involved with. He eased us into the new and emerging world of geospatial data analytics, and the current playing fields surrounding this mystery. With the detection of trees having potential to cause forest fires in dry California terrain, to scouting and negating their possible interaction with live transmission lines with actual analysis on the z-axis, geospatial data analytics encompasses a very broad horizon of areas of application. He then provided certain insight from the histor...

Tips from Top – “Internet of Things: transforming the way we live”. Mr. Arun Karna, MD, AT&T Global Network Services India Pvt. Ltd.

The Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur, witnessed a wonderful seminar on the Internet of Things by Mr. Arun Karna, MD, AT&T Global Network Services India Pvt. Ltd. He brought us closer to how limitless and pervasive the concept of IoT is and talked about the potential multi-trillion industry which has caught the eye of business enterprises that look forward to transform businesses without human-to-human or human-to-computer interactions.  Mr. Karna explained as to how the flow of information occurs from the sensors and control systems to the backend systems that are the hubs of data and API (Application Programming Interface). This back and forth of data can be analyzed to deduce astonishing solutions. He called IoT as the convergence of technologies that can work beyond the human imagination. He gave a business perspective to this scientific phenomenon wherein the stakeholders aspire to increase their revenue, streamline operations, red...

Tips from Top – “Organisation Culture”. Mr. Tojo Jose, C.H.R.O., Muthoot Fincorp

Organisation Culture: Acta Non Verba The Department of Industrial and Management Engineering at IIT Kanpur hosted a seminar by Mr Tojo Jose, CHRO at Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. on the topic of organization culture. Organizational culture is a guiding factor that acts as the genetic code of any organization. Mr Jose talked about how important it is for an individual to ensure that his/her values resonate with the values of the organization. The culture incompatibility can prove to be a menace for anyone working in an organization, even if the person has a good skill set. He talked about the articulated values like integrity and dignity that are implicit in nature and always keep our moral compass duly pointing north. The three C’s - Confront, Complaint and Conform - form the basis of how an employee identifies himself/herself with the organization. The confronting and complaining individuals often find it difficult to gel with the existing culture, and compromise forms the fourt...