The Department of Industrial Management and Engineering organized a seminar by Mr. Anoop Bhatia, VP, ICRA Limited; who provided immense insights into how the corporate ratings assignment is performed and how sensitivity analysis helps assign these. The seminar began on a light note, with Mr. Anoop offering Lao Tzu’s take on forecasting and quoting Evan Esar’s witty remarks on economists. He explained how an analyst actually is involved in presenting a result oriented outlook along with the forecast of industry demand, involved in financial planning, establishes goals and analyses the market to provide well-informed guidance on the possibilities. The projections are normally done with 5-7 years of data, which helps create a holistic outlook including up-cycle and down-cycle data, including those of the competitors in the industry. For vitality of project specific projections, the data utilized can even stretch up to 20 years. However, he professed from experience that the m...
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